Sunday, November 3, 2013

GOP Carpet Baggers Putting Money into Local Races

Steve Todd and Matt Weir are both Democratic candidates running for Derry Township Supervisor. They have both made a public pledge to take no corporate or non-constituent funds and have even been successful in getting one of their Republican opponents to do the same.

Steve is following the money trail of his other opponent though. It leads to the organization "Moving Derry Forward". 

The major source of all Moving Derry Forward funds – indeed, the only one reporting this cycle – is Mike Musser’s “Better Government for PA” (BGP). BGP tends to finance candidates who have views opposite my own on campaign finance, and on things like transparency, which would (ironically) make government better. For a local example, PennLive reported last week that BGP is currently funding Eric Epstein’s and Jay Purdy’s opponents for Central Dauphin School Board, to the tune of over $8,000.
And who funds BGP? According to their 2013 finance reports, a combination of people and corporations from everywhere from Middletown to Pittsburg to Florida. Major donors include PA lobbyists McNees, Wallace and Nurick; Greenlee Associates and Eckert-Seamans, and our township engineer, HRG. HRG received 7 figures worth of no-bid, no peer oversight contracts from your tax dollars. Just last year. 
Great find Steve! BPG has a record of supporting Republican candidates and this sounds like this is no exemption. I am not a believer that giving to candidates indicates a quid pro quo, but this should give you an idea of the company Stough and Engle plan on keeping.

Here is BPG's contribution to Linda Dallago, and Chris Judd respectively.

If you live in Derry Township or CD schools and favor proactive and progressive policies make sure you show Todd, Weir, Epstein and Purdy your support. This should only serve to reinforce why we need to get out there and do more than just vote. Great Democratic candidates need people knocking on doors, making phone calls and greeting for them at the polls. At the very least share this information with those who haven't come around to voting Dem yet. 

Being a committed party member is about way more than voting and maybe helping out in a Presidential year.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for helping bring this to light. That is my car. I drove to Philly to get large, union-made signs. I have a long history of supporting labor demonstrations, and my running mate is a former union member. So it especially hurt when our own local Chocolate Workers Local 464 backed our Republican opponents. I am not aware that they have ever been to a union protest or rally. Mysterious ways...
